Thursday, March 3, 2011

When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends

Title: When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends
Author: Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
Illustrator: Marta Fabrega
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Publication Date: 2005
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Audience: Gr 3-5
Overview: The purpose of this book is to acknowledge some of the concerns and anxieties children have during their parent's divorce, and help children realize that their parents still love and support them. The character in this book is a little girl who expresses her fears and concerns as she realizes her parents are not friends anymore. The character's parents in the story make sure the little girl knows that she is still loved, that it is not her fault, and they are still a family. Even though the little girl experiences changes, she realizes they are not bad at all, and her parents still support and love her.
Activity: This book would be appropriate for any child going through their parents splitting up. It is important for the child to be able to express their feelings towards the situation, and I think this book is a great way to start. This book could also be useful for parents dealing with their divorce to let their children know they still love and support them. This book could also be used to express to students that not every home situation is the same, that sometimes parents live together and apart.
Reviewer's Name: Rachel Bartee

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