Sunday, March 6, 2011

Black Beauty

Title: Black Beauty

Author: Anna Sewell

Publisher: Jarrold & Sons (

Publication Date: November 24, 1877

Genre: Animal Autobiography

Audience: Gr. 6-8

Overview: This classic story is about a horse growing up in England named Black Beauty. Throughout his life is passed from owner to owner meeting a wide array of kind and generous folks to cruel and abusive men and is faced with an incredible amounts of hardships in the hopes of finding a happy ending.

Activity: This book can easily be tied in a science/history lesson about horses. For Science, the teacher can discuss breeds of horses, analyzing a horse’s skeleton & discuss some interesting horse facts (ex. horses have three eyelids). For History, a teacher could talk about what horses have been used for & what are they used for now.

Reviewer’s Name: Alexi Lemper

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