Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love You Forever

Title: Love You Forever
Author: Robert Munsch
Illustrator: Sheila McGraw
Publisher: Firefly Books Ltd.
Publication Date: 1986
Genre: Picture Book
Audience: Gr. Pre K-2
Overview: Love You Forever is a story of a mother and son relationship. It starts with the Mother holding her little baby boy, rocking him to sleep. Every night before he goes to bed she says the same words:
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."
The story continues as the son grows older and older. And every night she says those words. When the man is old enough he gets married and has a child of his own and his mother becomes ill. He goes to see her, holds her in his arms and says the same words she said to him all those years. When he goes home, he says those words to his own baby as well. This is a great story to read to show parent love and appreciation.
Activity: After reading this story, I would have my class write a letter to one of their parents letting them know how much they love them and why. This could happen around Mother's Day, since the book is primarily about a mother. And the letter would be a great Mother's Day present.
Reviewer's Name: Gina DeBartolome

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