Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Changes For Kit

Title: Changes for Kit
Author: Valerie Tripp
Illustrator: Walter Rane
Vignettes: Susan McAliley
Publisher: Pleasant Company Publishers
Publication Date: 2001
Genre: Historical Fiction
Audience: Grades 3- Grades 5
Overview: The story takes place during The Great Depression in 1934. Kit and her family are struggling during this time and have turned their house into a boardinghouse to help make money for the family to survive. Kit's irritating uncle comes to live with the family after he fell and broke his wrist and ankle. Her uncle is a demanding person who is very opinionated and has Kit write his letters to the editor of the local newspaper for him. Kit's views are different from her uncle's and her experience with him leads her to write a heartfelt letter of her own.
Activity: This book talks a lot about the hardships during The Great Depression. After reading the teacher could have the students research The Great Depression through the internet, books and also even through a guest speaker that grew up during The Great Depression. Many students might have family members that have lived through The Great Depression, and they could interview their family members to hear live accounts of what they went through. The students could write their own newspaper article like when Kit wrote a letter to the editor, talking about The Great Depression either through what they have researched or through the stories that they have heard.
Reviewer's Name: Jennifer Senkevich

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