Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When Lightning Comes in a Jar

Title: When Lightning Comes in a Jar
Author: Patricia Polacco
Illustrator: Patricia Polacco
Publisher: Philomel Books-
Publication Date: 2002
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Audience: Gr.2-4
Overview: This tells a story of a great big family reunion. Trisha recalls one of the last reunions, with the games of baseball and croquet, the big feast with millions of different kinds of Jell-o and of course, storytelling, when all the great aunts pull out old photo albums and try to top each others memories. But this particular reunion, Trisha's grandmother taught her how to catch lightning in a jar. As she finishes her flashback, it comes back to the present and the next family reunion is that day. Only her "Gramma" and great aunts and uncles are not there and Trisha and her brothers and sisters and cousins are the old ones. She is surrounded by her grandchildren and shares the secret of catching lightning in a jar, knowing this family reunion ritual will be passed on to many generations after her.
Activity: The children could write a story based on their family reunions or family "get togethers". They could explain what games they play, the foods they eat, any traditions their family's may have and then share with the class. We would be able to see who's families have things in common
Reviewer's Name: Gina DeBartolome

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