Title: Kitten's First Full Moon
Author: Kevin Henkes
Publisher: Scholastic INC
Publishing Date: 2004
Genre: Picture Book
Audience: PreK-1
Awards: The Caldecott Medal
Overview: This book is about a little kitten who thinks that the moon is a big bowl of milk and it wants to get to it. It discribes her night while she is trying to get closer to the moon but just cant find a way. Finally she decided to go back home and an acutal bowl of milk was waiting for her there. The illustrations are all black and white to depict the setting at night and show in detail the kittens adventures throughout the night.
Activity: If used in the lower grades, this book could be a great tool in learning new vocabulary words that the students may not have seen before. Words like inquisitive or persistent could be highlighted and could be used as new terms for the students.
Reviewer's Name: Kalli Parrish
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