Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bottle Houses

Title: Bottle Houses: The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey

Author: Melissa Eskridge Slaymaker

Illustrator: Julie Paschkis


Publication Date: 2004

Genre: Biography, Picture Book

Audience: Gr. 3-5

Overview: Bottle Houses is a biography about Tressa “Grandma” Prisbrey who created sculptures, mosaics, houses and really anything with materials that she found at the dump. She did it all by herself. It started with her pencil collection and grew into bottles, old headlamps, chipped dishes, broken dolls, lost buttons and really anything she could find. She found beauty in things that others had thrown away. Soon people began flocking to her bottle houses, and she became known as a great artist.

Activity: With this book you could collaborate with your art teacher and have your students create their own found art, from objects they find around their house and their neighborhood. You could also bring in sea glass or other materials and have the students create there own mosaics.

Reviewer’s Name: Paige Martin

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