Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sloppy Joe

Title: Sloppy Joe
Author: Dave Keane
Illustrator: Denise Brunkus
Publisher: HaperCollinsPublishers
Publication Date: 2009
Genre: Picture Book
Audience: PreK-2nd
Overview: This story is about a boy named Joe who is very messy. Being sloppy and messy introduces challenges for Joe and his family, so he sets out become Neat Joe instead of Sloppy Joe. In the end, Joe learns that being messy is part of who he is, and his family and friends will always love him for being sloppy.
Activity: This book would be a great tool for teaching students to be themselves, even if they have som qualities that provide challenges at times. Ask them to create a name for themselves similiar to the title of the book, for example: Lazy Sam. They could illustrate their name like the cover page of the book, and share it with the class.
Reviwer's Name: Rachel Bartee

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