Thursday, April 14, 2011

Title: Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot

Author: Margo Theis Raven

Illustrator: Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press

Publication Date: 2002

Genre: Non-Fiction, Picture Book, History

Audience: Gr. 3-5

Overview: This book is about a girl names Mercedes that lived in West Berlin around 1948. Life was grim for Mercedes because communist ruler, Joesef Stalin, blockaded the roads, railroads and canal routes coming in and out of Berlin and cut off West Berliners from all food, clothing, heat, and electricity. Mercedes had a few chicken, but because she could not feed her chicken, they were no longer producing eggs. Mercedes was afraid her mom would kill the chickens for dinner. She had heard about the American Chocolate Pilot names Lt. Gail Halvorsen, who every day rained down sweets on the children who cheered the planes landing on his runway. She thought if she could bring her mother some chocolate, she would be happy and would not kill the chickens. Mercedes one day went to the runway to get chocolate, but an older taller boy reached above her and grabbed the chocolate that was floating down to her. She decided to write Halvorsen and ask him to drop candy over her house. Halvorsen was moved by her letter, but knew he could not find her house. Instead he sent her a package full of chocolate and gum. That package was a light for Mercedes during a dark time.

Activity: You could read this book when you are teaching your students about WWII. By reading this book you students can somewhat to relate to Mercedes because it about a girl who is around their own age.

Reviewer’s Name: Paige Martin

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