Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chicken Sunday

Title: Chicken Sunday
Author: Patricia Polacco
Illustrator: Patricia Polacco
Publisher: Philomel Books
Publication Date: 1992
Genre: Picture Book, Multicultural
Audience: 3-5
Overview: "Chicken Sunday" is the name of every Sunday when Miss Eula Mae Walker makes a fried chicken dinner for her grandchildren. She is a well loved woman both by her grandchildren and community. She admires an Easter bonnet in the window of Mr. Kodinski's hat shop. The children decided that because they loved her so much and she did so much for them, they were going to save up money to buy her that bonnet. The children were on their way to talk to Mr. Kodinski when a group of older kids threw eggs at his shop window. Mr. Kodinski came out and saw Miss Eula's grandchildren standing there. Although they plead that they didn't do it, he called up their grandmother and told her what happened. Miss Eula told her grandchildren that she believed them but they had to prove to Mr. Kodinski that they were good kids. They decided to dye easter eggs called, "Pysanky eggs", a russian intricate design for easter eggs. They brought him a whole basket and he was delighted. They started selling them in his store and at the end of the day they had enough money to buy the hat. Mr. Kodinski let the kids take the easter bonnet for free. They gave it to their grandmother as a thank you for all the things she taught them.
Activity: One fun activity would be to have the kids dye easter eggs. Another would be to have them write about a time they did something good for someone other than themselves.
Reviewer's Name: Gina DeBartolome

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