Monday, February 14, 2011

A Picture Book of Lewis and Clark

Title: A Picture Book of Lewis and Clark
Author: David A. Adler
Illustrator: Ronald Himler
Publisher: Holiday House
Publication Date: 2003
Genre: Biography/History
Audience: Gr. PreK-2
: This picture book tells the American history story of Lewis and Clark. Short paragraphs on each page give a little more detail into the who, what, when, where, and why of the adventures of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. A lot of dates and specifics are weaved in throughout the book while the general outline of the story is presented in an entertaining fashion. The book ends with a wrap-up of their lives upon their return. Finally, a small author's note is included along with and important dates timeline. Watercolor images throughout help enhance the pages by adding a splash of color and giving some image context to the accompanying text.
Activity: To go along with this short picture book, students could draw their own images to go along with what they learned from the story. This could be done with watercolors as those in the book are, or be a more simple activity with colored pencils, etc. To expand beyond the reading, students could use the internet to look more into the history of Lewis and Clark and the formation of the United States over its history.
Reviewer's Name: Meghan O'Leary

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