Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Giving Tree

Title: The Giving Tree
Author: Shel Silverstein
Illustrator: Shel Silverstein
Publisher: Harper & Row
Publication Date: 1964
Genre: Picture Book
Audience: All (Children and Young Adult)
Overview: The old book is a story with only two characters; a female tree and a male. The story begins with the young tree and young boy, who grow together as the story is told. The tree is always giving things to the boy as he asks for them. She cuts her branches, gives her apples, and provides for the boys until she has nothing left to offer except a stump for him to sit upon. The boy constantly relies on the tree and the tree expects nothing in return and hopes for the boy to come back again and again. I enjoy the story but it sends a clear message that friends are constantly there but deserve thanks for what they do for you.
Activity: I think that the children could take time to think about someone that they appreciate and don't always recognize them. By drawing a "thank you" picture depicting what he/or she does that the child is thankful for. Who gives to you that you don't always acknowledge?
Reviewer's Name: Emily Trees

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